We Thrive in the Community

Fact: Over 73 percent of households are paying more than 50 percent of their income on rent.
There are no apartments in the South Cobb area that are income based. A person earning $1000 a month pays the same as a person earning $5000 a month
Fact: 1 in 4 people receive a housing subsidy
Fact: A household needs to earn at least $36000 a year to afford a 2 bedroom ($900 to $1000) a month, apartment in Georgia.
Fact: Corporate managed apartment complexes files evictions on tenants if rent is not paid by the 15th of each month
Fact: Cobb County magistrate court that handles eviction cases sees a caseload of 100 people on Fridays at 9am and at 1pm and the majority of defendants are African American Women
An eviction remains on a persons credit history even if they pay the rent before being 30 days late. Unlike most credit companies only report if you are over 30 days in arrears.
One study found that young adults who lived
in public or voucher-assisted housing as teenagers had higher earnings and lower rates of incarceration
than young adults from unassisted low income households. The study suggests that housing vouchers and public housing provide low income parents with greater financial resources to devote to their children’s development, which improves adult outcomes later in life.
Other research shows that children living in stable, affordable homes are more likely to thrive in school and have greater opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom. Also, children in low income households
that live in affordable housing score better on cognitive development tests than those in households with unaffordable rents. Researchers suggest that that is partly because parents with affordable housing can invest more in activities and materials that support their child development.
Furthermore, children that attend schools with hyper mobile students are most often affected academically because time is devoted to reteaching.

We Thrive in Riverside Renters Association highlights
2009 officially organized as We thrive on the Drive renters association
2009 first National Night Out Against Crime event
2012 Establish community partnership with Signature Property management
2014 establish State of our Schools committee
2016 Helped Magnolia Crossing apartments residents acquire relocation funds
2017 Mableton Day Community spirit winner $1,500
2018 Atlanta Community Foundation $3,000 grant
2019 help Riverside Residents win claims against apartment complexes for maintenance neglect
2020 awarded $500 from RepGa
2020 awarded $10,000 hunger free America grant
2021 Awarded $50,000 Oprah Winfrey Foundation Grant